New Zealand Bomber Command Association



Iwuy Commemoration for the Betley Crew

Iwuy’stoire, the historical association in the French village of Iwuy in Northern France recently paid to the crews of two aircraft lost in raids in June 1944, including the Betley crew of 75 (NZ) Sq. The service was attended by families of four of the two crew, including three New Zealanders.

Unveiling the plaque of remembrance (shown below) for the crew of LL888 of 75 (NZ) Sq. by family members of Roland Betley and Edward Toohey, Iwuy, June 2024
(Credit: Iwuy’stoire)

Michel Lespagnol, President of Iwuy’stoire backgrounds what happened that night.

During the night of June 15 to 16, 1944, 113 bombers dropped 396 tons of bombs on the Valenciennes rail marshalling yard. During this mission, 5 bombers were shot down by German night fighters. The crews of 2 of these aircraft, which took off from their bases in south-east England, are buried here.

The Avro Lancaster LL888 of 75 (NZ) Sq. crashed on rue de Boussières in Rieux en Cambrésis at 00:51 on June 16. In a last act of heroism, the pilot, F/Sgt Roland Betley (RNZAF) avoided the village, saving the lives of the inhabitants. There were no survivors among the seven crew members.

The Avro Lancaster LL 690 (No. 514 Sq.) crashed at “Les Moulins” in Iwuy at 00:52. Witnesses to the plane’s final moments confirm the P/O Ernest Kingham’s (RAF) desperate determination to avoid the inhabited zone. The plane crashed in a deserted area, the only victims being the seven crew members.

Today we pay tribute to these young people who died so that we could regain our freedom.

The crew of LL888 were:

  • F/Sgt Roland Desmond Ernest Betley (22) RNZAF, Pilot
  • Sgt Edward George Gilliat (22) RAF, Navigator
  • Sgt Basil Griffith (22) RAF, Flight Engineer
  • Sgt Lawrence Eastmure Hale (26) RNZAF, Bomb Aimer
  • Sgt Ronald Howe (28) RAF, Gunner
  • W/O Edward Wallace Toohey (22) RNZAF, Wireless Operator
  • Sgt Peter Jackson (21) RNZAF, Gunner

Caption: The plaque for the crew of LL888
(Credit: Iwuy’stoire)

The crews of both aircraft are buried in the village of Rieux.
(Credit: Iwuy’stoire)

Caption: Families of New Zealanders Roland Betley, Peter Cook and Edward Toohey, along with family of Basil Griffiths from LL888 attended the unveiling along with families of the Canadian LL690 crew. They are seen here with Michel Lespagnol, President of Iwuy’stoire (kneeling centre) and other members of the society.
(Credit: Iwuy’stoire)

Thank you to Michel Lespagnol and Iwuy’stoire for creating the memorial

August 18, 2024

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