New Zealand Bomber Command Association



The Role of Aircrew

A Bomber Command aircrew was a well-drilled team, each with specific responsibilities but dependent on one another if their aircraft was to have any chance of reaching target, dropping its bombs and returning safely. Squadron Leader Jonathan Pote (Rtd.) outlines the different roles of a bomber’s aircrew.

Bomber Command in the Battle of Britain

The story of the Battle of Britain is well known - the defence of Britain by Fighter Command. Less well known is the critical role that Bomber Command played at the same time, attacking airfields, invasion ports and vessels to reduce the chance of a German invasion.

Back to School – Operational Training Units

Having learned their individual trades, airmen were posted to a Bomber Command Operational Training Unit (OTU). Here they assembled into crews - a random mix of fortune and self-selection that could be life-changing - and learned to fly operationally as a unit.

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